Condensed Report
The report displayed by default on the reports screen on generating an estimate is the Condensed Report.

The first section of the Condensed report summarizes the Application Information entered while running the estimate. The next section includes important dates for the estimate. The last section is condensed report data which displays the costs in columns and rows.

Application Information: This section includes the Application Information attributes selected while running the estimate.

This section also includes the Custom Notes added during the run under the Report Settings.

Application Dates: This section includes the important dates defined while running the estimate.

Condensed Report Data: The costs are displayed at the bottom of the report in four to six columns of expenses, depending on the estimate type: The Official/Associate column totals the amounts of the Official and Associate's Charges; the Translation column shows the totals for all translation costs; the In-House/Miscell. column totals the amounts of all the In-House fees and miscellaneous expenses; the Total column totals the cost of these first three columns.

If you have selected a Patent type, two more columns will appear: The Annuities column totals the annuities for the number of annuities years selected; and the Total Incl. Annuities column totals the costs of all the previous columns.

Column totals are given in a single row for each country, with totals for all countries immediately beneath.

Note visible below the costs contains the "Text for Disclaimer Footnote" added in the Report Settings under the Settings=> Report Defaults.